Thursday 28 February 2013

A Trip to National Visual Art Gallery

          On 26th February 2013, Tuesday, we had a different experience for Introduction to Design class. We went to National Visual Art Gallery which is located along Jalan Tun Razak. This is my first time visiting National Visual Art Gallery of Malaysia. I was really looking forward to visiting it.
          At around 12p.m, four of my classmates and I went together by my car. It wasn't that far from HELP to the gallery. When we finally reached there, I was quite excited. After being given a brief introduction of National Visual Art Gallery by lecturer, we started our ''tour of Arts''. There are a lot of unique works of Arts like paintings, photographs, sculptures and handicrafts. Many of those art works are really fascinating and they have power of piercing consciousness and emotions.
          There are few art works which have struck a chord in my mind. One of them which I like the most is the masterpiece of Asmadi Masri (Adeputra) named "Tak Pernah Kenyang". This is an art work with mixed media on board,born in 2004. This picture is about nine men wearing like gentlemen, having lavish feast, full of food and drinks on the table, and they are enjoying the meal. There are plenty of food scraps and used plate beside the table but these men are still happily having their food and drinks like they "never feel full". This picture gives me a strong consciousness of showing sarcasm against Politics. In my point of view, this picture is showing that officials never get enough in corruption. Furthermore, there is a man feeding durian to another man also shows a sense of bribing. The interesting part I found in this picture is the food. There are durians, satey, ketupat those are recognized as Malaysia's famous local food, and the drinks is "Tongkat Ali". This shows that the artist of this picture is trying to tell the audiences that what message he is trying to convey is about Malaysia.
          I enjoyed this trip to National Visual Art Gallery of Malaysia. After taking this tour of arts, I strongly agree that arts should be exposed to Malaysians especially teenagers. Since arts is considered a medium of communication, it is important that whether all people are aware of this medium. In addition, Arts can also be a therapy in medication. Nowadays there are many psychologists using arts as treatment on patients.
          I would like to recommend a few ways for exposing arts to Malaysians. First, we can have more campaigns with theme of arts. Arts competition in school is encouraged because it can directly expose arts to teenagers. Having arts exhibition in shopping malls is also a good idea since we may get more people to notice it. Other than that, since mass media and social network is getting more advanced and popular, we may take this situation as odds to highly promote arts using these media.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tutorial--Painting Horse

Tutorial--sphere tone

My favorite colors

           Color plays a very important role in our life. It has the ability to influence our feelings and emotions. We face with color choices all the time. Usually the first decision of the day comes in the morning is to decide what to wear. People say that often times we choose our clothes based on the colors of the mood we are feeling or wish to portray that day. We may not realize it, but I think it happens every day unconsciously.

           There is one color which I like the most. While thinking of colors, I would always think of it first. This color make me feel more comfortable and relax rather than other colors. It is White!

           White is always associated with purity and cleanliness. I like white color because it makes me feel peaceful and calm. This is the only color I can accept to be the color of the wall in my room. With white wall, I feel fresh and I sleep comfortably. To me, there is nothing with white in color is ugly and it's really easy-matching. Even a lion in white color is so cute! 
          Other than that, white gives me positive connotation. I can’t exactly tell why but when I am in a 'white environment', I think well. For example, white walls or any white decoration. It gives me positive thinking.  
         Although there is Color Psychology which study the relationship between colors and human's emotions, behaviours and even personalities, I don't think this theory can be applied to everyone. For example, the study says green is a relaxing color. To me, yes. But one of my friends doesn't like green and she feels uncomfortable with green. This is interesting. We all have different perspectives on colors.